Albina Williamson
Coldwell Banker Realty 912-222-8439

Feeling good about the community you live in can be just as important as selecting the right home. As a local expert, I can help you find a neighborhood that best suits your needs. From local restaurants and activities to school information and market trends, explore the communities I serve below.

Sarasota county public schools info                                       

Sarasota County Public Schools Info


Sarasota county private schools info

Sarasota County Public Schools Info


Sarasota county business directory, programs, events - Sarasota Chamber of Commerce

Sarasota county business directory, programs, events


"Today, The Sarasota-Manatee Originals consist of over 60 locally owned restaurants throughout Florida’s Suncoast, from the tip of Anna Maria Island to the southern beaches of Venice."


Official visitors and newcomers guide

Sarasota Art and Culture Guide


Sarasota Memorial Health Care System

Sarasota Memorial Health Care System - Network of Facilities