Alleviate Stress

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  Stress Management Tip Alleviate Stress

  • List the things that cause you stress.
  • Reframe things in the context of a larger positive plan.
  • Recognize that troubles are temporary. Highlight the unavoidable responsibilities.
  • Perfectionism only leads to stress.
  • Know your limits physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
  • When faced with a large task, break it down into smaller tasks.
  • Enjoyment of life prolongs life and reduces stress.  
  • Exercise. Avoid sugary snacks, smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating and caffeine.
  • Learn to relax through meditation, prayer and deep breathing.
  • Physical contact with loved ones reduces stress.
  • Social interaction is important.
  • Find time to be alone for a little while each day.
  • Talk to a friend or family member.